[Podcast] Earbud_U, Season Four, Episode # 7 – Darren MacDonald, Investor, Film/Movie Buff, World Traveler, Local Raconteur
Movies are the stories of our lives.
Our guest today on the show, Darren MacDonald, is a local venture capital investor, film buff, and world traveler. This is the follow-up to episode #6 featuring Darren’s unique, humorous and engaging point of view.
In this episode, Darren talks about the power of film to cut through to the heart of stories. We cover all the films that came out last year, and have a spirited discussion about who killed Han Solo.
Considering that for a moment, here’s an existential question:
If your child had gone over to the side of evil would you be able to stop them, or would the love that you feel for them—the parental bond you have—cause you to give your life for them?
Yeah. Like I said, film has the power to cut through the muck and ask—and answer—the questions that matter.
Connect with Darren through all the ways you can below:
Check out our first interview with Darren here: http://www.hsconsultingandtraining.com/blog/earbud_u/earbud_u-episode-1-darren-macdonald/
Follow Darren on Twitter: https://twitter.com/upwordz
Connect with Darren on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenmacdonald/
Connect with the Southern Tier Capital Fund: http://stcfny.com/
Connect with the Southern Tier Capital Fund on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stcapitalfund