Earbud_U, Season Two, Episode #1 (a) – Neil Denny, Mediator, Collaborative Lawyer, Author, Grudge & Forgiveness Expert
Neil Denny’s perspective and approach to peace starts where most people think that the path ends—at forgiveness and reconciliation.
But don’t get us wrong, he’s also a peace building entrepreneur who understands the need that all mediators, negotiators, attorney mediators and others have to do to get other people to walk along the path to peace.
Building a business and keeping your equanimity are not mutually exclusive. When the money doesn’t come in and when the doorbell (or phone) isn’t ringing, what else is the peace builder to do? Well, applying principles of marketing and development can help, along with understanding how partnerships really work between people in business.
Neil is involved in a tom of projects, developing new niches for peace. Feel free to connect with Neil in all the ways that he’s differentiated below:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/neildenny
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/neildenny
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Neil-Denny/e/B005HSOTNY
Youtube: https://youtu.be/WTmUDGib-VQ
Get Artisan: https://getartisan.wordpress.com/
The Conflict Specialists Show w/Dave Hilton: http://www.conflictengagementspecialists.com/blog/collaborative-law-and-the-get-artisan-movement-with-neil-denny/
By the way, this is our first two-part episode here on Earbud_U. So listen to the first half (released earlier this month) by clicking on the link here!